Now there are ads unite bloggers to add income to your blog

Blogger Comrades, I am sure my friends have paired kumpulblogger ads on the blog. Problem income earned depends on how many visitors coming to your blog friends. And they do click on ads. Perhaps until now there has got a lot, or there is too little or none at all. Keep trying to blog my friends more and more visitors.

And now in addition to advertising kumpulblogger as discussed earlier, there are also new ads for bloggers. Namely bloggerbersatu. Just as the working principle kumpulblogger, bloggerbersatu will also give you a commission per click advertising on our blog.

For fellows bloggers who want to increase advertising revenue clicks, can also add an ad on the blog bloggerbersatu comrades. To register a publisher is very easy, just like when kumpulblogger list. Please click bloggerbersatu to register. Good luck!

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7 Tips to Increase Website Traffic (Works for Sure)

If you are currently running a website, whether it be for an organized charity, business, or just your own, personal blog, you’re probably asking yourself “Now how can I get more traffic to my website?” Don’t worry, because every other web master out there is asking the very same thing and I come bearing tips!
The following are 7 tips that I use myself and know work to increase the exposure of your website.
Tip #1: Pinging Services
Even some experienced web masters are unaware of just how important pinging services can be. A ping is a reminder to all of your readers that you have just updated your website. Services that include pinging services are Yahoo’s, Weblogs, Google Blog Search, and ZingFast. When your readers see that you have recently updated your website, they will definitely be heading on over to see what today’s topic is about.

50 Creative Ways To Make Your Blog Popular

1. Start a controversy. Just remember not to cross the line.
2. Start a contest. Make sure to end it too.
3. Give away free goodies. People love them.
4. Write about other bloggers to interest their visitors to read your blog. Keep it positive.
5. Dress up your blog often (By dress-up I mean tweaking the design)
6. Interview other bloggers and post the interview.
7. Write about your personal life sometimes.
8. Ask questions to your visitors.
9. Share some secrets.
10. Celebrate your birthday with your visitors. Think of innovative ways for doing this.

SEO Settings for Bloggers a.k.a Blogspot owners !

People on the internet have started blogging and have used a free way to do it by using owned by Google. Everyone has analyzed and optimized Wordpress to boost their rankings in every aspect, but left blogger/blogspot users looking for tips.
Blogger Seo Tips
Welcome to Blogger Seo Tips Part 1. I will be covering what blogger settings you should choose before we start to optimize your blog.